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resembles an inkpot, for it has no towers at all. The Inn was comfortable & we left early the next morning for Lincoln. It was one of the most imposing Cathedrals that we saw, though we were in waves of laughter all the time as Frank had the puppy under his coat all the time we were being escorted by the sacristan. After seeing the Cathedral we descended a very steep hill to the 'old Jews House' built in 12?? which is the oldest inhabited house in England. Lincoln is a lovely town with many over hanging & oak beamed houses. We had tea at Pontefracte & saw the outside of the Castle where Henry Bolingbroke starved Richard II to death. It did not look so thrilling, but very peaceful with its ivy-covered gray walls. The run from Pontefracte to York was very uninteresting, over flat Yorkshire Fens & through disagreeable towns like Doncaster & Todcaster, where we had