Maibelle McCullough Mouton:
Remembering With Joy


With Joy



Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

Family Reunion


Family reunion in 1919 at the old Alicia home

I was in my third year of college when we went back for the last time to the big house for a reunion. It was Christmas and Hugh had invited us to come! He had married a local girl, Dora Brickley and they were living in the home place with a small son, Hugh Jr. Elizabeth (Little Rock had changed her name) had married Dr. Guy Hodges and they had a small son Carl with them. Lynn and Ada were there with their second child, Leeada, a wee girl the boys world! Edith had married a doctor, J. T. Perry and they had seven year old Fred with them.

Hugh had really called us altogether to ask if we cared if he made changes in the old home. He wanted to remove the second story, to install running water, put in Bathrooms, the clothes closets!

Why should we object? We were not going back! Already Lynn, Elizabeth and Edith had made their homes in other towns and cities. Bopeep, Gladys and I were all three hearing another drum beat!

Thank you for this invitation to look back

Remembering with Joy my happy childhood!

Hugh and Dora with Hugh, jr. Hugh & Dora with Hugh, Jr.

Edith and Dr. Perry with Fred Edith & Dr. Perry with Fred

Mama and her seven children
Mama and her seven children
Back row Hugh, Bopeep, Lynn
Front row me, Lizzie, mama, Edith, Gladys

Lynn and Ada with Leeada Lynn and Ada with Leeada

Elizabeth and Dr. Guy Hodges
with Carl
Elizabeth and Dr. Guy Hodges with Carl

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Copyright © 2011 Ellen Wilds, all rights reserved. Redistribution and/or reuse terms of license. Disclaimer for this document: "Maibelle McCullough Mouton: Remembering With Joy is published here with the permission of Ellen S. Wilds and transcribed by her, March, 2000. The materials published here are presented "as is", without warranty of any kind to the extent permitted by applicable law, and without any promise of validity and/or accuracy."