April 3 - '19 --
Our first official act - on arriving at Mehun 4/1/19 was to put in for a 14 days leave. The leave came thru today - approved - and Shanley + Ingersoll have left for Paris. My suit was at the tailors - so I am leaving this P.M. 530 and will meet them.
April 4
-- Back to Paris again. Had to spend the night in Vierzon - could'nt make connections for Paris - but left there at 4 A.M. - arrived here at 710 A.M. - Lt. Stevenson and Hoy (who are coming to Paris on a 3 days pass -) were with me - so the trip was not so bad. Leave here at 2 P.M. - with Shan - and Ingersoll - for Nice
April 5
-- After about 24 hrs. on the train - and it came straight thru -- we landed at Cannes. This place is beautiful. -- and the warm sun shiny weather quite in contrast with what I have been used to.
April 6
Came over to Nice today on the trolley. Nice is much larger - and 100 times as 'wild and wooly' as Cannes. Am at the Ruhl Hotel - right on the beach - and it is some place - never saw as many girls in my life. It seems that all any-body does is drink - dance and raise -- -- So 'spose I'll have to fall in to line -- especially on the first and last items.
April 13th
Came back to Cannes to-day - on a boat - and enjoyed the trip immensely. Lt. Shanly and Ingersoll are still with me. Am leaving this P.M. - by myself - Will stop off - and go to Ligny to see Steve - then meet Shan and Ingersoll in Paris Wed. 16th. While in Nice - took some wonderful trips - to Monte-Carlo - Monaco - Italian bordor - Faulicon - and Pera Cava (way up in the Alps - sleigh-riding - snow balling - etc.) - Country is wonderful.
April 14th
-- Paris again! when I got to La Roche - found that 114th Eng. had pulled out about a week ago for the part of embarkation (Good luck for Steve) - I filed back on the train and came on to Paris. Have to leave tomorrow - for I have no baggage to loose - but I don't mind - as I am so broke now - I never hope to recover until I hit the bank at home. When I got ready to leave Cannes - had exactly - 20 frx. - to cover a 7 days hotel bill - which avaraged about 45 frs. per day - that is to say nothing about the long trip and expenses ahead of me. Shan and Ingersoll carried me thru - and I spose I've spent my next few months salry already -- But I should worry - the trip was surely worth it.
April 15th 1919
I 'spose we can't all be lucky all the time. At any rate - I had my share of hard-luck today - when I arrived at Mehun and found orders awaiting me - for permanent duty at Brest. So to Brest I go - instead of home.
April 17
Left Mehun this A.M. - for Tours. Ar. Tours shortly after dinner - and can't get out until 11.29 tonight.
April 18
-- Landed in Brest this P.M. about 7 o'clock after one of the hardest trips imaginable. The 11.29 train only took us about 5 kilos to St. Pierre De Corpes - where we got a train about 12.50 A.M. A good looking French woman let me use her shoulder for a pillow - but she got off the train about 2.45 A.M. so my pillow was gone and I did'nt get much sleep from there on. Had to change again at Buineper [?] - left there about 12.05 P.M. - on a 3rd class coach - 1 nurse in with us - so had a fairly good time. Went to sleep in the Casual Officers barracks in Brest.
April 19
- Reported to the Base Ord Officer this A.M. He seems to be a good old fellow upon learning that Lt. Oldfield was in command at the Depot to which I was assigned - I told the Cap. about our last meeting and fight - and think I have fixed it up so that I might get away before long. Reported to Ord Depot at Camp Pontenozen this afternoon and was nearly knocked off my feet by the warm and hearty reception Lt. Oldfield gave me. Just the same - in goes my letter for transfer.
Another surprise awaiting me - was the fact that Steve is here - and I had a long visit with him before supper - and a show after.
April - 20
-- Spent the A.M. with Steve - and went down to the docks to see his outfit off. They got out in a hurry - so we did'nt have much time to talk. Am glad that Steve is home-bound and hope he looses no time getting mustered out upon landing - Easter Sunday today - but it ment nothing to me - I am sorry to say. I worked until 11 P.M.