Details - 249 men
1st Co. 5th P.O.D.
Sec. 3
1 - Mess. Serg
5 - Men
2 - Cooks
3 - Men stores - 9 A.M. - 2 P.M.. #1 Hatch
3 - Men Gen. duties - 9 A.M. - 2 P.M.
1 - Sentry - Kitchen aft. Dut. - 6 P.M.
Details - 248 men
2nd Co. 5th P.O.D.
Sec. 2
1 - Mess Serg.
5 - Men
1 - Non. com -Stores - Sr. Mns.
2 - Men
2 - Men - Gen. Duty.
[1 - report to Fdu. deck. kitchen after 6 P.M.)
Details - 246 men
3rd Co. 5th P.O.D.
Reported to Mr. Green
2 - Cooks
1 - Butcher -
2 - Bakers
3 men - Stores - 9 A.M. - 2 P.M.
1 - Non-com. 3 men. Gen duties -
1 - Man #6 - Sec. Storeroom 9 A.M. 2 P.M.
Troop deck
Details - 137 men
Magen Co. 303.
Sec. 6
1 - Mess Serg. Report - to
5 - Men
2 - men - stores - Hatch #1 - 9 A.M. 2 P.M.
1 - man Gen Duty - 31 Non com
1 - Man Sentry - #6 - Sec. Store room
orlafe deck.
Oversea Casual.
Sec. 1
1 - Mess-serg.
5 Prvts
1 - Sentry - Stores - 9 A.M. - 2 P.M.
1 - man - Gen. duty. - Hatch,
1 - Guard-saloon pantry 9P.M.
Evac. Hosp. #19
Latrine Detail
1 - Non-com
12 - Men
8 A.M. - 2 P.M. Hatch #1
Details - 90 men
Convelescent Camp #4
Sec. 5
1 - Mess Serg
5 - Men
1 - Man - Stores - #1 Hatch 9 A.M. - 2 P.M.
1 - Man Gen. Duty " "
1 - Sentry - alley way - starboard side.
Embarkation - Regulation
Aug - 1- 1918
Light-Baggage -- Personal equipment - locker-trunk, hand baggage - blanket rolls of enlisted men -- typewriters and field desks -- stays with troops to embarkation camp.
Heavy-Baggage -- baggage not needed on voyage - bedding - roll and equipment not included in light-baggage -- stays with troop - train to embarkation camp.
Note - Htl Baggage placed separately on cars to part.
Freight -- All authorized equipment not included in Htl baggage -- in separate cars -- no. of pieces, cubic measurement, - destination of cars.
Motor-trucks and Autos, Freight.
Packing and Marking.

No explosives or inflammable articles to be packed.
Baggage - Allowance
Enlisted men - allowed -
1 sweater -
1 pr. gloves. in Co. box.
Officers - allowed
1 - bedding roll - 50#
1 - trunk - locker
1 - piece of hand-baggage
Bills of Lading
Made separately for - Baggage - Freight - transportation.
Freight billed through to General Superintendent - Army Transport Service.
Telegraphic notice of departure of troops - baggage - freight to Com. Gen. Port of Embarkation
1. Hour - date
2. By organization - down to companies - number - officers and men - Cars carrying freight. and baggage - no. of pieces - cubic mea. and weight.
Records of Soldiers
All records-accessible.
Leave records of all men left behind with proper authorities -- and statement of reasons - if men draped en route to port.
Deserters - AIR - 104 - 116 - 117 - 118
126¼ - 126½ - 127 - 129 - 132 - 1373 - 1451.
To - Pier.
List of names of Officers and non coms. above line sergts acc'd to rank- and number of enlisted men - to Com. Gen part of Embarkation - - - - . for assignment to state rooms.
Passenger - List Company commanders will hand 5 copies of passenger list - [names of Officers and names and number of men) to Personnel Officers at gang plank. Made out on special form - supplied. Made out - Officers - Non coms alone line Serg - enlisted men 11 Nescestuliting [?] on this list
Light Baggage and Heavy Baggage must be separated chess leaving Concentration Camp for Pier.
Ammunition Rifle-only -- 100 Rds. - Cal. 30 -190L.
Rifle and Pistol - 90 " " "
[10 Rds. in belt - remainder in baggage)
Pistol - - - - - - - - 35 Rds. Cal -45 T911
Revolver - - - - - - 24 " Cal. 45 (8 clips)
Troops will ration themselves to Port of Embarkation. From Embarkation Camps to Port - 2 sandwiches per. man.
Three days rations will be issued upon arrival in France.
Mail - Money
Mail may be sent from Port. If unsealed - sent at once - if sealed held until arrival of ship in France. No postage stamps required.
Only articles asked for by enlisted men and approved by Reg. Com will be sent oversea. Request must be furnished public carrier.
U.S. stamps not valid in Foreign Country.
No letters to be carried into France or England.
"Service - Checks."
"Guaranty Trust Co" of N.Y. -
"Farmers Loan and Trust Co." - and
"Equitable Trust Co." of N.Y. - are convertable into English and French money
- can be bought at Enbarkation Camp and Port.
No - Animal - Mascots.
Commanding Officers will call upon Commander of Ship as soon as possible after arriving on board.All - Accounts - Settled.
Train Regulations
Toilets - to be used only while train is moving
Equipment - will not be removed or in any way damaged or defaced. Such actions will be followed by Court-martial.
Marking of Cars - is prohibited
Non-Com - will be put in charge of each car and held absolutely responsible for same.
No information concerning movement of troops will be given out.
[the following was typed very neatly on the lined paper]
Officers Equip.
35 Ammunition, Pistol Cal. 45
1 Basin, folding
1 Belt, liberty
1 Belt, pistol
1 Belt, waist
2 Blankets O.D. woolen
1 Book, note
1 Book, field-messages
1 Boots, " pairs
1 " rubber, pairs
2 Breeches, O.D. service
1 Bucket, folding
1 Can, bacon
1 " condiment
1 " meat
1 Canteen
1 Cap, overseas
2 Cases, pillow
2 Coats, O.D. woolen
1 Comfortable (sleeping bag)
1 Compass, luminous
1 Cover, canteen
1 Cup
1 Dispatch case
1 Field glasses
1 First packet (first aid)
1 Flashlight (extra battery)
1 Fork
1 Fountain pen
1 Gas mask
1 Gloves, leather
Officers Equip.
12 Hankerchiefs
1 Haversackes, M. 1916
1 Hemlet, steel
1 Holster
Horse equip.
1 Housewife
1 Knife, pocket
1 " (ordnance)
1 Leggins, leather, pair
4 Magazines, pistol, extra
1 Overcoats,
2 Pajamas, flannel, suits
1 Pencil s
1 Pillow
1 Pistol, Cal. 45
2 Pockets, magazine, double web b
1 Pouch for first-aid packet
1 Puttees, woolen pairs
2 Rations-Reserve
3 Shirt, O.D. woolen
1 Shoes, pairs
1 Shoes, field, pairs
1 Slicker or Raincoat
1 Slippers, pairs
1 Spoon
1 Spurs, pair
6 Stockings, pair heavy wool
7 " " light "
2 Tags, identification
1 Tape for tags
1 Toilet kit (with articles)
4 Towels
4 Underwear, suits , heavy, wool
4 " " light
1 Watch, luminous
1 Whistle and chain
Equip. of Enlisted Men
1 Arms and accouterment ,set
1 Blanket, O.D.
1 Belt, waist
1 Breeches , O.D. woolen, pair
1 Cap , overseas
3 Cheverons
1 Coat, service , woolen
1 Dubbin , 4 oz.
1 Gloves, leather mittens, 1-finger (unlined)
2 Laces, shoes, extra pairs
6 Collar ensigna
1 Overcoat
5 Pins, tent shelter
1 Poles " "
1 Puttees, woolen, spiral, pair
2 Ration, reserve
1 Rope, shelter-tent half
2 Shirts, wool O.D.
2 Shoes, field, pairs
1 Slicker
4 Stockings, wool, light, pairs
2 Tags, ident.
1 Tape for tags
1 Tent, shelter half
(Toilet Articles)
1 Brush, shaving
1 " tooth
1 Comb
1 Mirror, small, steel
1 Razor
1 Towels
Articles to shipped in organization boxes
Sweaters and knitted helmets which may have been donated soldiers, not to exceed 1 per man
1 pair gloves, woolen, for each man
[diary continues in handwriting]
Clothing - Guih. [?]
1 Shirt O.D.
1 Shirt (white)
1 Sweater
3 Towels -
1 Toilet Kit Comp.
6 Pr. Socks -
7 Haks
1 Collar Ban
1 Sterna Htr. 1 Comp.
13 Collars - (6 Stocks)
Mark May [?]
2 talcum
2 pr Puttees
1 pkg Name Cards
2 pkgs Cigarette Papers
2 pr Shoes.
Sterno Heat
1 button
1 Iodine
2 Can. Cigaretes
2 pkg Envelopes
1 Can Foot Powder
Mark May [?]
8 Matches
9 Palmolive Soaps
7 Pkg Blodes [?]
3 Mentholatum
3 Toothpaste
5 Shaving Soaps
2 Book
1 ????? box
7 ????? Coelan
6 Soft Collars
1 ????? ?????
1 Phislox roof
1 First Aide Packet
1 Box cartridges
1 pr ????
1 Clothing - (Trunk.)
Suit Heavy Underwear
3 Shirts " "
1 Drawers " "
1 Pajama Heavy
1 Sweaters
1 Foot-warmer
1 Ear warmer
4 Pr. Socks - (Heavy)
1 Pr. Gloves - woolen
4 Towels
14 Pr. Socks (Light)
4 Shirts (1 und - 3 Cotton)
1 B.V.D. underwear
3 Shirts
2 Shirts white
1 Whip Cord Uniform
10 Hankerchiefs
10 Pr. Shoe Laces
1 Suit O.D. Woolens
1 Pr. Breetches Khaki
5 Batteries
1 Flashlight
3 Coat Hangers
1 Raincoat
1 laundry Bag
1 Photo of Family & Kodak Pictures
1 Sent - Serge
1 Pillow-case