"Officially I am researching the history of the indigenous tribes and their technology before the European invasion. Naturally, no one knew there was an advanced civilization living under the desert floor. Adding the D'ni culture is going to make my research more complicated, but certainly more interesting."

"And you are going to use Dr. Donnelly's research?"

"I'd be a fool not to," Timothy laughs. "The man was brilliant. Racked by pain and depression, but when on a dig he was focused and insightful. My superiors know that and I have already got my funding -- most of it from a private donor."

"Would that be from the D'ni Restoration Council or Jeff Zandi?"

"Not a chance," Timothy scoff. "If anything they have been trying to keep me away from the property -- which, of course, they have every right to do. Zandi owns the land. No, the donor -- I don't suppose she would mind me telling you -- is Dr. Donnelly's daughter."

Ask the professor another question.

Say Goodbye and drive away.

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