2 Lieutenant – Surgeon
Robert H. Peel
2 Lieut {Capt. Thomas J. Hardin's Co.,
Mississippi Volunteers
AGE: 30 years
Appears on a COMPANY MUSTER-IN ROLL in the organization named above, called into the service of the Confederate States.
Roll dated near Richmond, VA. June 12, 1861
Muster-in to date June 12, 1861
Joined for duty and enrolled:
When: May 25, 1861
Where: Marshall County, Miss.
By Whom: Capt. Thos. J. Hardin
Period: During the war
Traveling to place of rendezvous _____ miles.
*This company subsequently became Company I, 19th Regiment Mississippi Infantry.
The 19th Regiment Mississippi Infantry was organized in June, 1861, and was mustered into the Confederate service for the war. Some of the companies had previously been in the State service.
Robert H. Peel
2 Lieut, Co. I, 19 Reg't Mississippi Vols.
Appears on a COMPANY MUSTER ROLL in the organization named above
for May 25 to June 30, 1861.
When: May 25, 1861
Where: Marshall County, Miss.
By Whom: Capt. Thomas J. Hardin
Period: during the war
Last Paid:
By Whom:
To what time:
Present or absent: Present
The Confederate States of America
To 2 Lieut R. H. Peel 19 Reg Miss Vol, Dr
Commencement and Expiration:
From 26 May 1861 -- To 30 June 1861
Term of Service Charged: 1 months -- 6 days
Pay per Month: 80 Dolls. -- ____ Cts.
Amount: 96 Dolls. -- ____ Cts.
Remarks: Accepted appointment 26 May 1861
Lt. 2nd Robt,, H. Peel
19th Regt. Mississippi Vol.
I hereby certify that the foregoing account is accurate and just; that I have not been absent, without leave, during any part of the time charged for; that I have not received pay, forage, or received money in lieu of any part thereof, for any part of the time therein charged; that the horses were actually kept in service and were mustered for the whole of the time charged; that for the whole of the time charged for my staff appointment, I actually and legally held the appointment and did duty in the department; that I have been a commissioned officer for the number of years stated in the charge for every additional five years service; that I am not in arrears with the Confederate States on any account whatsoever; and that the last payment I received was from __________ and to the ____day of __________ 18____.
I, at the same time, acknowledge that I have received of Majr Larkin Smith QM CSA this 4 day of July 1861, the sum of Ninety Six and ‰, being the amount, in full, of said account.
Pay _________ $
Forage ______
Amount $
(Signed Duplicates)
Lt2nd Robt. H. Peel
19th Regt Mississippi Vol.
Voucher No. 82
Paid the 6 day of July 1861
R. H. Peel 2 Lieut
19 Reg Miss Vol C.S.
From the 26 day of May 1861
to the 30 day of June 1861
Pay $96 —
Forage _____
Amount $96 — Ex.
The Confederate States of America
To R. H. Peel Lt2nd C I 19th Reg Miss Vol. Dr.
Commencement and Expiration:
From July 1st -- To July 31st
Term of Service Charged: one months | one days
Pay per Month: 80 Dolls. | 00 Cts.
Amount: 80 Dolls. | 00 Cts.
Remarks: 2nd Lt. Peel
I hereby certify that the foregoing account is accurate and just; that I have not been absent, without leave, during any part of the time charged for; that I have not received pay for any part thereof, for any part thereof; that for the whole of the time charged for my appointment, I actually and legally held the appointment and did duty in the department; that I have been a commissioned officer for the number of years stated in the charge for every additional five years service; that I am not in arrears with the Confederate States on any account whatsoever; and that the last payment I received was from Major Smith at Richmond, Va. and to the 1st July 1861.
I, at the same time, acknowledge that I have received of Captain James H. Anderson this 16th day of August 1861, the sum of Eighty Dollars being in full of said account.
2nd Lt. Robt. H. Peel
No. 35
R. H. Peel
Dollars $80.00
Paid Aug 16th 1861
The Confederate States of America
To 2 Lieut R. H. Peel 19 Reg Miss Vol, Dr
Commencement and Expiration:
From August 1st To Sept 30th
Term of Service Charged: Two months -- ___ days
Pay per Month: 80 Dolls. -- 00 Cts.
Amount: 160 Dolls. -- 00 Cts.
I hereby certify that the foregoing account is accurate and just; that I have not been absent, without leave, during any part of the time charged for; that I have not received pay, forage, or received money in lieu of any part thereof, for any part of the time therein charged; that the horses were actually kept in service and were mustered for the whole of the time charged; that for the whole of the time charged for my staff appointment, I actually and legally held the appointment and did duty in the department; that I have been a commissioned officer for the number of years stated in the charge for every additional five years service; that I am not in arrears with the Confederate States on any account whatsoever; and that the last payment I received was from Capt. J. H. Andersonand to the 31st day of July 1861.
I, at the same time, acknowledge that I have received of Capt. L. S. Scruggs this 1st day of October 1861, the sum of One Hundred and Sixty 00/100, being the amount, in full, of said account.
Pay ......... $160
Amount $160
(Signed Duplicates)
Robt. H. Peel, 2nd Lieut.
Co. I, 19th Regt Miss. Vols.
Voucher No. 17
Paid the 30 day of Sept 1861 C.S.
From the 1 day of August 1861
to the 30 day of Sept 1861
Pay $160 00
Forage _____
Amount $160 00
Robert H. Peel
2 Lieut, Co. I, 19 Reg't Mississippi Vols.
Appears on a COMPANY MUSTER ROLL in the organization named above.
for July & Aug. 1861
When: May 25, 1861
Where: Marshall County, Miss.
By Whom: Capt. Thomas J. Hardin
Period: For the war
Last Paid:
By Whom: Capt. C. Macon Thompson QM
To what time: June 30, 1861
Present or absent: Present
Robert H. Peel
2 Lieut, Co. I, 19 Reg't Mississippi Vols.
Appears on a COMPANY MUSTER ROLL in the organization named above.
for Sept & Oct. 1861.
When: May 25, 1861
Where: Marshall County, Miss.
By Whom: Capt. Thos. J. Hardin
Period: For and during the war
Last Paid:
By Whom: Capt. John Ambler, AQM CSA
To what time: Aug 31, 1861
Present or absent: Present
Robert H. Peel
____, Co. I, 19 Reg't Mississippi Vols.
Appears on a COMPANY MUSTER ROLL in the organization named above.
for Sept & Oct. 1861.
By Whom:
Last Paid:
By Whom:
To what time:
Present or absent:
Remarks: appointed from 2 Lieut Surgeon of 19 Regt Miss. Volunteers Oct. 9, 1861
R. H. Peel
Asst Surg, Co. ___, 19 Reg't Mississippi Vols.
Name appears as shown below in a LETTER addressed to Major T. G. Rhitt, A. A. Genl.,
and signed by C. H. Mott, Col. Comdg. 19 Reg't Miss. Vols.
Letter dated Headquarters, 19 Reg't Miss. Vols., Sept. 25, 1861.
Remarks: x x x x x x x x x
As I had to leave two hundred and twenty two (sick) in our late camp on Broad Run, I detailed Lt. R. H. Peel (who is believed to be worthy + well qualified) as Medl. Officer in charge.
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
The Medl supplies are almost exhausted and as there is no regularly appointed Surgeon or Asst. Surgeon to draw them I respectfully recommend R. H. Peel for the appointment
Surgeon Robt. H. Peel P.A.C.S.
October 21 1861
Reports himself on duty
Camp 19th Regt. Miss. Vols.
Near Centreville. Oct 20th, 1861
Dr. G. H. Williams,
Sir, I have received the appointment of Surgeon of the 19th Miss. Regt, and am now in the discharge of the duties of my post. My commission bears date – Richmond, Oct the 9th, but was not received until three or four days since.
Your most obdt.
Robt. H. Peel, M.D.
xRobt. H. Peel
Surgeon – C.S.A.
Appears on a REPORT of sick and wounded of 19 Regt. Miss Vols.
For Oct. 1861
x Signs Report
Robert H. Peel
Surgeon, 19 Regt Miss. Vols
Appears on a Register of ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA containing a List of the names of Medical officers.
Date: Oct 20, 1861
Brigade: 5
Troops: 19 Mississippi
Robert H. Peel
Surg'n, 19 Reg't Mississippi Vols.
Appears on FIELD and STAFF MUSTER ROLL of the organization named above.
for Nov + Dec, 1861.
Date of Commission, or } Oct. 9, 1861
Regimental Appointment }
Station: near Pringle House, Va
Present or Absent: Present
The Confederate States of America
To R. H. Peel, Surgeon, 19th Miss Regt, Dr
Commencement and Expiration:
From Nov. 1 To Nov. 30, 1861
Term of Service Charged: 1 months -- ___ days
Pay per Month: 162 Dolls. -- 00 Cts.
Amount: 162 Dolls. -- 00 Cts.
I hereby certify that the foregoing account is accurate and just; that I have not been absent, without leave, during any part of the time charged for; that I have not received pay, forage, or received money in lieu of any part thereof, for any part of the time therein charged; that the horses were actually kept in service and were mustered for the whole of the time charged; that for the whole of the time charged for my staff appointment, I actually and legally held the appointment and did duty in the department; that I have been a commissioned officer for the number of years stated in the charge for every additional five years service; that I am not in arrears with the Confederate States on any account whatsoever; and that the last payment I received was from Capt. L. S. Scruggs and to the 31 day of August, 1861.
I, at the same time, acknowledge that I have received of Capt. John Ambler A.Q.M. this 14 day of Dec 1861, the sum of One Hundred and Sixty two 00/100, being the amount, in full, of said account.
Pay ......... $
Amount $
(Signed Duplicates)
Robt. H. Peel
Surg 19th Miss Regt
Voucher No. 587
Paid the 19 day of Dec 1861
Surg. R. H. Peel C.S.
From the 1 day of Nov 1861
to the 5 day of Dec 1861
Pay ......... $
Amount $162
The Confederate States of America
To R. H. Peel Surgeon, 19th Reg. Miss. Vols, Dr
Commencement and Expiration:
From 30th Nov, 1861 To 31st Decbr 1861
Term of Service Charged: one months -- ___ days
Pay per Month: 162 Dolls. -- ___ Cts.
Amount: 162 Dolls. -- ___ Cts.
I hereby certify that the foregoing account is accurate and just; that I have not been absent, without leave, during any part of the time charged for; that I have not received pay, forage, or received money in lieu of any part thereof, for any part of the time therein charged; that the horses were actually kept in service and were mustered for the whole of the time charged; that for the whole of the time charged for my staff appointment, I actually and legally held the appointment and did duty in the department; that I have been a commissioned officer for the number of years stated in the charge for every additional five years service; that I am not in arrears with the Confederate States on any account whatsoever; and that the last payment I received was from Capt John Ambler and to the 30th day of November 1861.
I, at the same time, acknowledge that I have received of Capt. L S Scruggs AQM this 2nd day of January 1862, the sum of One hundred Sixty two Dollars, being the amount, in full, of said account.
Pay ......... $162
Amount $162.
(Signed Duplicates)
Robt. H. Peel
Surg 19th Miss Regt
Voucher No. 52
Paid the 2 day of Jany 1862
Surg. Robt. Peel C.S.
From the 30th day of Nov 1861
to the 31 day of Dec 1861
Pay............. $162
Forage .......
Amount $162
The Confederate States of America
To Robt. H. Peel, Surgeon, 19th Miss. Vols, Dr
Commencement and Expiration:
From Oct. 1st To Nov. 1st
Term of Service Charged: 1 months -- ___ days
Pay per Month: 135 Dolls. -- 00 Cts.
Amount: 135 Dolls. -- 00 Cts.
I hereby certify that the foregoing account is accurate and just; that I have not been absent, without leave, during any part of the time charged for; that I have not received pay, forage, or received money in lieu of any part thereof, for any part of the time therein charged; that the horses were actually kept in service and were mustered for the whole of the time charged; that for the whole of the time charged for my staff appointment, I actually and legally held the appointment and did duty in the department; that I have been a commissioned officer for the number of years stated in the charge for every additional five years service; that I am not in arrears with the Confederate States on any account whatsoever; and that the last payment I received was from Cap L S Scruggs Qmaster of the 19th Miss Regt and to the 1st day of October 1861.
I, at the same time, acknowledge that I have received of Capt. L S Scruggs AQM this 2nd day of January 1862, the sum of One hundred Sixty two Dollars, being the amount, in full, of said account.
Pay ......... $
Amount $
(Signed Duplicates)
Robt. H. Peel
Surgeon 19th Miss Regt
Voucher No. 311
Paid the 7th day of November 1861
Peel C.S.
From the 1st day of October 1861
to the 21st day of November 1861
Pay............. $135.00
Forage .......
Amount $135.00
xRobt. H. Peel
Surgeon – C.S.A.
Appears on a REPORT of sick and wounded of 19 Regt. Miss Vols.
For Nov. 1861
xSigns Report
Robt. H. Peel
Surgeon, C.S.A.
Appears on a REPORT of sick & wounded, 19 Regt Miss Vols.
for Dec, 1861.
April 2, ‘62
Special Requisition
For 6 # Coffee 38 --- $2.28
I certify that the above acquisition is correct and that the Coffee named is for our own use + necessity.
Capt. H.C. S. will issue the Coffee as above.
Recd Payment for above R. H. Peel, Surgeon
J. Q. Perry, A. A. Q. M.
Jno. A. Selden Capt. [illegible]
for E. A. Saunders
James H. Dunsdin, Lt.
19" Regt. Miss. Vols.
The Confederate States of America
To Robt. H. Peel Surgeon, Dr
Commencement and Expiration:
From February 1st 1863 To March 1st 1863
Term of Service Charged: one months -- ___ days
Pay per Month: 162 Dolls. -- ___ Cts.
Amount: 162 Dolls. -- ___ Cts.
I hereby certify that the foregoing account is accurate and just; that I have not been absent, without leave, during any part of the time charged for; that I have not received pay, forage, or received money in lieu of any part thereof, for any part of the time therein charged; that the horses were actually kept in service and were mustered for the whole of the time charged; that for the whole of the time charged for my staff appointment, I actually and legally held the appointment and did duty in the department; that I have been a commissioned officer for the No. of years stated in the charge for every additional five years service; that I am not in arrears with the Confederate States on any account whatsoever; and that the last payment I received was from Major Hearsey A.Q.M. and to the first day of February 1863.
I, at the same time, acknowledge that I have received of Major Hearsey A.Q.M. this first day of March 1863, the sum of "One hundred Sixty two Dollars," being the amount, in full, of said account.
Pay $162.00
Robt. H. Peel
Surgeon 19th Miss Regt
Voucher No. 1
Paid the 1st day of Feby 1863
R. H. Peel Surgn
19th Miss Regt C.S.A.
From the 1st day of Feby 1863
to the 1st day of Mch 1863
Pay ---- $162
Amount $162
No. 40
For Quartermaster's Stores For Surgeon 19" Regt Miss. Vols.,,
Stationed at Near Orange CH. Va.
Total Required (1) One wall tent + Fly 1/2 Cv Tapes
On hand to be deducted
Quantity required
I certify that the above Requisition is correct, and that the articles specified are absolutely requisite for the public service, rendered so by the following circumstances, viz:
Lt,, A. D. Geoghegan, A. A. Q. M. will issue the articles specified in the above Requisition.
Thos. J. Hardin Lt,, Col – Commanding
Received at Camp the 29" day of February 1864, of A. D. Geoghegan Lt. A. Assistant Quartermaster,
(1) One wall tent + Fly 1/2 Cv Tapes
In full of the above Requisition
Robt" Peel, Surgeon
19" Regt. Miss. Vol.
No. 40
No. 4 Abstract K 1 3,, Qr. 1864
Dr. R. Peel
19 Miss
No. 40
For Quartermaster's Stores For Hospital 19" Regt Miss. Regiment
Stationed at Spotsylvania C.H. Va.
Total Required 3 Drawers, 2 Shirt
On hand to be deducted ------------
Quantity required ---------------
I certify that the above Requisition is correct, and that the articles specified are absolutely requisite for the public service, rendered so by the following circumstances, viz:
The wounded that are here and totally without clothes.
Robt. Peel, Surgeon
19th Miss Regt.
Capt A. F. Owens, A. Q. M. will issue the articles specified in the above Requisition.
R. V. Phipps Lt Col – Commanding
Received at near Spotsylvania the 13th day of May 1864, of A. F. Owens Capt.
Assistant Quartermaster, (3) pr Drawers (2) Two Cot Shirts
In full of the above Requisition
Robt Peel, Surgeon
19" Miss. Regt.
No. 40
No. 22 Abstract K 2 Qr. 1864
R. H. Peel
Surgeon 19th Miss Regt.
19 Miss
Robert H. Peel
Surg'n, 19 Reg't Mississippi Vols.
Appears on FIELD and STAFF MUSTER ROLL of the organization named above.
for June 30 to Oct. 31, 1864.
Dated Feb. 4, 1865.
Date of Commission, or } Nov. 1, 1861
Regimental Appointment }
Station: Petersburg, VA
Present or Absent: Present