Co. D, 47 U.S. Vol. Infantry
(Philippine Insurrection)
Private -- Private
Number of medical cards herein: 3
Number of personal papers herein: 5
[written on exterior of envelope or folder]
J.B. Dowd
S2337444 A.H.D.
And M.D.S. 2374617
Other informa. as to Pension Laws 3/30/22
[illegible] O.T.T.
P.O. mrm J O 1467920 Act June5
1920 [stamped] JUL 3 - 1922TJM
SSV [illegible] 3/28/29 ZM
Pa Bonus 8/10/34 EMA
Cert. in hire 6-7-44 ISD
Chief Clerk
Dept of County Commission
130 - 138 City Hall
Phila, Penn
[dated] 8-29-46
Collins Joseph John
P, Co. D, 47 Reg't, USV Inft
(Philippine Insurrection)
5 Inclosures
Bed Cards _______
Burial Records _______
Cert of Dis. for Discharge _______
Descriptive Lists _______
Descriptive and Assignment Cards ___1____
Discharge Certificates _______
Enlistment Papers ___1____
Ex. Preliminary to M. O. ____1___
Final Statements _______
Fines _______
Furloughs or L. of A. _______
Med. Certificates _______
Orders ___2____
Resignations _______
Other Papers Relating to --
Admission to Hosp'l _______
Confinement _______
Contracts _______
Death or Effects _______
Desertion _______
Discharge from Hosp'l _______
Discharge from Service _______
Duty _______
Furlough or L. of A. _______
Med. Examination _______
Misc. Information _______
Pay or Clothing _______
Personal Reports _______
Rank _______
Transfer to Hosp'l _______
Transportation _______
War Dept., A. G. O. JUL 3 - 1922
This paper loaned to The Commissioner
of Pensions this date.
(Philippine Insurrection.)
C 47 U.S.Vols.
Jos. J. Collins
________, Co. ______, 47 Reg't U. S. Vol. Infantry.
Appears on
Enlistment Paper
Age, 21 years 11 months,
Height 5 feet 4 inches.
Complexion, light Eyes, blue Hair, dark
Born at Philadelphia County of Philadelphia
State of Pa Occupation, Electrician
Enlisted on the Sept 9th, 1899,
at Philadelphia, Pa
By Allen L. Briggs, 2nd Lt, 47th U.S.V.
for the period ending June 30, 1901.
Residence 1427 Parrish St.
Married or single single.
Name of wife, relative, guardian, or friend
Mrs. B. Collins
Address of same: 1427 Parrish St. Phila. Pa.
Previous military or naval service: none
I, Joseph J. Collins, do hereby acknowledge to have voluntarily enlisted this Ninth day of September, 189 , as a SOLDIER in the VOLUNTEER ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA for the period ending June 30, 1901, unless sooner discharged by proper authority; and do also agree to accept form the United States such bounty, pay, rations, and clothing as are or may be established by law. And I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America, and that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies whomsoever; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the Rules and Articles of War.
Jos. J. Collins [seal]
Subscribed and duly sworn to before me this Ninth day of September, A.D. 1899.
Allen L. Briggs
2d Lieut. 47 U.S.V.
Recruiting Officer
* NOTE - The acknowledgment and oath will not be executed until the man has been accepted by the Examining Surgeon.
Joseph J. Collins
Enlisted at Philadelphia on
the 9th day of Sept, 1899
Lieut. Allen L. Briggs
2nd Lieut
47th Regt. of U. S. Vol. Inf.
One of these papers will be prepared in the case of every recruit enlisted, and will be forwarded by the Recruiting Officer t the Adjutant General of the Army with his trimonthly reports.
Assigned to Co. "D" 47th Regiment
of U. S. Vol. Inf.
[stamped] CARDED -- JANUARY 3, 1903.
[There follows a blank form for
Act of March 2, 1899
Name: Joseph J. Collins
Age, 21 years 11 months,
Height 5 feet 4 inches.
Complexion, light Eyes, blue Hair, dark
Born at Philadelphia County of Philadelphia
State of Pa Occupation, Electrician
Enlisted on the 9th day of Sept, 1899, at Philadelphia in the State of Pa
Lieut Allen L. Briggs for the
period ending June 30, 1901.
Residence 1427 Parrish St.
Married [crossed out] or single single.
Name of wife [crossed out], relative, guardian [crossed out], or friend [crossed out] who is to be notified in case of emergency: Mrs. B. Collins
Address of same: 1427 Parrish St. Phila. Pa.
Previous military or naval service (not militia): none
I certify that I have carefully examined the above-named man, that he was perfectly sober when enlisted, that, in my opinion, he is free from all bodily defects and mental infirmity which would in any way disqualify him from performing the duties of a soldier.
Allen L. Briggs
2d Lieut 47th U. S. V.
Recruiting Officer
Physical Record.
Personal marks: Long scar on right cheek bone
Chest: Expiration, inches 31
inspiration, inches 35
Weight, stripped, 127 lbs.
Piles, none Rheumatism, none
Varicose Veins, none Varicocele, none
Coughs, none Hernia, none
Feet, ------------
Previous sickness, none
Eyes, good Hearing, good
Heart, good
Teeth, good [crossed out] fair
I CERTIFY that this man is a fit subject for military service.
Samuel M. Wilson
Examining Surgeon.
* All defects discovered in the medical examination, not sufficient to reject, but which might be aggravated by the soldier's duties, will be here noted.
(A. G. O. No. 8, Vols., amended June 26, 1899)
(Act of March 2, 1899)
NAME: Joseph J. Collins
REGIMENT: 47 U. S. V. Co._____
AGE: 21 11/12
HEIGHT: 5 Feet, 4 Inches
EYES: blue
HAIR: dark
Town or County: Philadelphia
State or Kingdom: Phildelphia
OCCUPATION: Electrician
WHEN: 9 Sept. 1899
WHERE: Phila
BY WHOM: A. L. Briggs
PERIOD: Ending June 30, 1901
RESIDENCE: 1427 Parrish Str., Phila
NAME: Mrs. B. Collins
ADDRESS: 1427 Parrish Str., Phila
(In case of death, transfer, discharge, desertion, and apprehension, the date and place will be here noted; also any other information which may be necessary or useful for record. In case of sickness or injury, it will be carefully stated, and whether or not it occurred in the line of duty.)
Samuel M. Wilson, citizen doctor
1517 High St. Phila. Pa
left my station Sept. 11th, 1899
I certify that this card is correct, that it exhibits the true statement of the recruit, and that he has been minutely inspected.
STATION: Philadelphia, Pa.
DATE: Sept. 9th, 1899
Allen L. Briggs
2d Lieut 47 U. S. V.
Recruiting Officer
This recruit has been received this 12th day of Sept, 1899, and assigned to Co. D, 47th Regt. U. S. V.
DATE: Sept. 12th, 1899
Wallie Howe
Col. 47th Inf U. S. V.
NOTE -- One of these cards will be prepared in the case of each recruit enlisted, and will be forwarded to the regimental rendezvous when the recruit is sent there. The cards will be given to the officer assigned to the command of the detachment; but if no officer be so assigned, they will be sent by mail. Upon the arrival of the recruit at his destination, the regimental commander will assign him to a company and send the card to the company commander. From the data set forth hereon the organization rolls of the company will be prepared, and when the roll is forwarded to the Adjutant General of the Army it will be accompanied by the descriptive and assignment card of every man whose name is borne on the roll.
(Philippine Insurrection.)
C 47 U.S.Vols.
Joseph J. Collins
Pvt, Co. D, 47 Reg't U. S. Vol. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Sept & Oct, 1899
When Sept 9, 1899
Where Phila, Pa.
Present or absent Present
Last paid by Major Belknap
Last paid to Sept 30, 1899
Due U. S.:
For clothing . . . . . . . . . . . $___, cts ___
Remarks: To forfeit to the U.S. one & one -half dollars ($150) per sentence S. D., approved Oct 20, 99. Convicted viol. 32 A.W. AWOL from 8 a.m. Oct 14, 99 to 8 p.m., Oct 15, 99.
(Philippine Insurrection.)
C 47 U.S.Vols.
Joseph J. Collins
Pvt, Co. D, 47 Reg't U. S. Vol. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Return
for the month of Oct, 1899
[form mostly blank]
Absent enlisted men accounted for:
Date; from Oct 5, 1899 to Oct 19, 1899
Where unknown
Duty or cause absent without leave
(Philippine Insurrection.)
C 47 U.S.Vols.
Joseph J. Collins
Pvt, Co. D, 47 Reg't U. S. Vol. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Nov & Dec, 1899
When Sept 9, 1899
Where Phila, Pa.
Present or absent Present
Last paid by Maj. Arthur
Last paid to Oct. 31, 1899
Due U. S.:
For clothing . . . . . . . . . . . $___, cts ___
Remarks: Due U.S. for spoon, 3 cts.
Special Orders
No. 65
Headquarters Forty-seventh Infantry, U. S. V.
U. S. A. T. "THOMAS",
December 6th, 1899
Par. 1.
Privates Joseph J. Collins, Co. "D", 47th Inf. U. S. V., and Benjamin Griffith, Co. "C", 47th Inf. U. S. V. are hereby detailed on special duty with Ship's electrician.
By order of Col. Howe
G. Livingston [?]
Capt. 47th Inf. U. S. V.
Special Orders
No. 74
Headquarters Forty-seventh Infantry, U. S. V.
U. S. A. T. "THOMAS",
December 21st, 1899
Par. 1.
Privates Joseph J. Collins, Co. "D", and Benjamin Griffith, Co. "C", are hereby relieved from special duty with Ship's electrician.
By order of Col. Howe
G. Livingston [?]
Capt. 47th Inf. U. S. V.
Jan. 5, 1903
Dec 21, 1899. Tried by S. C. Oct 20, 1899 vio 32 AW (absent Oct 14 to 15, 1899 inc) fine $1.50 fine + pay for time absent ded on Oct 1899 P.R. 2nd Jan 22, Nov 28th to Dec 6, 1900 inc all in S. of D --
With Gen Kobbes expdn to So. Luzon to open hemp posts --
Capture of Donsol Jan 21, Matnog Dec. 19, 1900 Eng. v. Skir at Donsel Jan 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, Feb. 8, 10, 24, Mch 1, Apr 21, May 16, 23, June 8, Dec 7, 1900
Eng at Banangaran May 4 Skir at San Vincente May 5 Minniguigui May 5 Matnog Dec 20, 1900
Character excellent. *Service honest and faithful.
*From certificate of Co. Comdr.
(Philippine Insurrection.)
C 47 U.S.Vols.
Joseph J. Collins
Pvt, Co. D, 47 Reg't U. S. Vol. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Jan & Feb, 1900
When Sept 9, 1899
Where Phila, Pa.
Present or absent Present
Last paid by Maj. Curry
Last paid to Dec 31, 1899
Due U. S.:
For clothing . . . . . . . . . . . $___, cts ___
(Philippine Insurrection.)
C 47 U.S.Vols.
Joseph J. Collins
Pvt, Co. D, 47 Reg't U. S. Vol. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Mch & Apl, 1900
When Sept 9, 1899
Where Phila, Pa.
Present or absent Present
Last paid by Maj. Schofield
Last paid to Feb 28, 1900
Due U. S.:
For clothing . . . . . . . . . . . $___, cts ___
Remarks: Due U.S. for tin cup & fork 20 cts.
(Philippine Insurrection.)
C 47 U.S.Vols.
Joseph J. Collins
Pvt, Co. D, 47 Reg't U. S. Vol. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for May & June, 1900
When Sept 9, 1899
Where Phila, Pa.
Present or absent Present
Last paid by Maj. Schofield
Last paid to Feb. 28, 1900
Due U. S.:
For clothing . . . . . . . . . . . $___, cts ___
(Philippine Insurrection.)
C 47 U.S.Vols.
Joseph J. Collins
Pvt, Co. D, 47 Reg't U. S. Vol. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for July & Aug, 1900
When Sept 9, 1899
Where Phila, Pa.
Present or absent Present
Last paid by Maj. Coffin
Last paid to June 30, 1900
Due U. S.:
For clothing . . . . . . . . . . . $___, cts ___
(Philippine Insurrection.)
C 47 U.S.Vols.
Joseph J. Collins
Pvt, Co. D, 47 Reg't U. S. Vol. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Sept & Oct, 1900
When Sept 9, 1899
Where Phila, Pa.
Present or absent Present
Last paid by Maj. Watrons
Last paid to Aug 31, 1900
Due U. S.:
For clothing . . . . . . . . . . . $___, cts ___
Remarks: Due U.S. for meat can 28 cents
(Philippine Insurrection.)
C 47 U.S.Vols.
Joseph J. Collins
Pvt, Co. D, 47 Reg't U. S. Vol. Infantry.
Appears on Report of Sick and Wounded of the
47 Reg't U. S. Vol. Infantry.
For the month of November, 1900
Age: _________; Race: ___W___
Birthplace______; Y'rs of service _________
Date of admission Nov 28, 1900
Source of admission Command
Cause of admission Malarial fever
intermittent quotidian
Hosp. or Qrs. Qrs.
Line of duty Yes
Complications, sequelae, etc.,
Disposition of the patient Remaining
Date of disposition
Monthly Report S. & W.; Patient's No. 227
(Philippine Insurrection.)
C 47 U.S.Vols.
Joseph J. Collins
Pvt, Co. D, 47 Reg't U. S. Vol. Infantry.
Appears on Report of Sick and Wounded of the
47 Reg't U. S. Vol. Infantry.
For the month of December, 1900
Age: _________; Race: ___W___
Birthplace______; Y'rs of service _______
Date of admission Nov 28, 1900
Source of admission Command
Cause of admission Malarial fever
intermittent quotidian
Hosp. or Qrs. Qrs.
Line of duty Yes
Complications, sequelae, etc.,
Disposition of the patient Duty
Date of disposition Dec 7, 1900
Monthly Report S. & W.; Patient's No. 227
(Philippine Insurrection.)
C 47 U.S.Vols.
Joseph J. Collins
Pvt, Co. D, 47 Reg't U. S. Vol. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Nov. & Dec, 1900
When Sept 9, 1899
Where Phila, Pa.
Present or absent Present
Last paid by Maj. Watrons
Last paid to Aug 31, 1900
Due U. S.:
For clothing . . . . . . . . . . . $___, cts ___
Remarks: Sick in Qrs Nov. 28 to Dec. 7, 1900, in line of duty.
(Philippine Insurrection.)
C 47 U.S.Vols.
Joseph J. Collins
Pvt, Co. D, 47 Reg't U. S. Vol. Infantry.
Appears on Numerical Morning Report of 47 U. S. Volunteer Infantry,
for Nov 28 - 1900, From duty to sick in quarters
Dec 7 - 1900, From sick in quarters to duty.
Register No. 3623
(Philippine Insurrection.)
C 47 U.S.Vols.
Joseph J. Collins
Pvt, Co. D, 47 Reg't U. S. Vol. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Jan & Feb, 1901
When Sept 9, 1899
Where Phila, Pa.
Present or absent Present
Last paid by Maj. Stanton
Last paid to Dec 31, 1900
Due U. S.:
For clothing . . . . . . . . . . . $___, cts ___
(Philippine Insurrection.)
C 47 U.S.Vols.
Joseph J. Collins
Pvt, Co. D, 47 Reg't U. S. Vol. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Mch & Apl, 1901
When Sept 9, 1899
Where Phila, Pa.
Present or absent Present
Last paid by Maj. Varney
Last paid to Mar. 31, 1901
Due U. S.:
For clothing . . . . . . . . . . . $___, cts ___
(Philippine Insurrection.)
C 47 U.S.Vols.
Joseph J. Collins
Pvt, Co. D, 47 Reg't U. S. Vol. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster-Out Roll
of the organization named above.
Roll dated
Presidio San Francisco, Calif.,
July 2, 1901
Mustered Out July 2, 1901
When Sep 9, 1899
Where Philadelphia, Pa.
Present or absent: Present
Residence (P.O. Address) 1427 Parrish
St. Philadelphia, Pa
Last paid by Maj. Varney
Last paid to Mch 31, 1901
Due U.S. $ _____, cts _____;
due Soldier $28, cts. 50
Due U.S. for arms and equipment $_____, cts 20
Due U.S. for Q.M. Stores & equipage $ ____, cts ____
Remarks: Joined Reg by enlist at Camp Meade, Pa, Sep 12, 1899 same date On S. D. with ship electrician per S.O. #65-47 Inf. USV Dec 6, 1899 Releaved [sic] per S> O. #74-47 Inf USV (over)