[no rank] -- 2nt Lt
George J. Vining
[no rank] { Capt. Bayne's Company
Arkansas Infantry
Appears on a copy of COMPANY MUSTER-IN ROLL (State)
in the organization named above.
Roll dated Pine Bluff, Ark July 24, 1861
Mustered into State Service July 24, 1861.
Period, Twelve months.
This company subsequently became (Old) Company I, 9th Regiment Arkansas Infantry.
G. J. Vining
2 Lt , Co. I, 9 Regt. Ark
Appears on a REGISTER
containing Rosters of Commissioned Officers, Provisional Army Confederate States.
Date of appointment Dec. 3, 1861
Date of resignation, death, transfer or promotion:
[Confed Arch, Chap 1, File No 83, page 66]
Vining, Geo J
2nd Lt, 9th Ark
Subject: resignation accepted
Title of record: S. O. No. 7-1
Army of Nine -- May 14/62
This record contains information relative to the above named man, upon the subject stated. (Confederate).
Paid the 2nd Lieut comp (2) G. J. Vining 9th Arks Regiment Volunteer C. S.
From the 1st day of January 1862 to the 1st day of April 1862
Pay . . . . . . . $240.00
Forage . . . .
Amount . . . . $240.00
paid April 26th 1862
To G. J. Vining 2nd Lieut 9th Ark Regiment Vol.
On what account: 2nd Lieut
From: January 1st, 1862
To: April 1st, 1862
Term of Service Charged: 3 months and no days
Pay per Month: $80.00
Amount: $240.00
I hereby certify that the foregoing account is accurate and just, that I have not been absent without leave during any part of the time charged for; that I have not received pay, forage, or received money in lieu of any part thereof for any part of the time therein charged; that the horses were actually kept in the services and were mustered for the whole of the time charged; that for the whole of the time charged for my staff appointment I actually and legally held the appointment and did duty in the department that I have been a commissioned officer for the number of years stated in the charge for every additional five year's services, that I am not in arrears with the Confederate Services in any account whatsoever and that the last payment I received was from Paymaster W. P. Downs and to the 1st day of January, 1862.
[At this point the rest of the fine print becomes altogether too fine and the sheet too degraded for further transcription]
I, George J. Vining of Pine Bluff, County of Jefferson, State of Arkansas, do solemnly swear that I will bear true allegiance to the United States, and support and sustain the Constitution and Laws thereof; that I will maintain the National Sovereignty paramount to that of all State, County or Confederate powers; that I will discourage; discountenance, and forever oppose secession, rebellion and the disintegration of the Federal Union; that I disclaim and denounce all faith and fellowship with the so-called Confederate Armies, and pledge my honor, my property, and my life, to the sacred performance of this my solemn oath of allegiance to the Government of the United States of America. I do further solemnly swear in the presence of Almighty God, that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Union of States thereunder, and I will in like manner abide by, and faithfully support all acts of Congress passed during the existing rebellion, with reference to slaves so long and so far as not repealed, modified or held void by Congress or by decision of the Supreme Court, and that I will in, like manner abide by, and faithfully support, all proclamations of the President made during the existing rebellion, having reference to slaves, so long and so far as not modified or declared void by decisions of the Supreme Court, so help me God.
George J. Vining
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Fourth day of March, A. D. 1864
at Pine Bluff, Ark.
Colin E. Morse Capt & Provost Marshal
Witness: Chas. H. Lyman
In Triplicate
One copy to be given to the person taking the oath.
One copy to be sent to the Headquarters of the Department.
One copy to the Commanding Officer or Provost Marshal of the camp, garrison, town or county where the oath was taken; and no oath to be administered except by order or with the knowledge of said Commanding Officer or Provost Marshal. And this oath, taken and subscribed by George J. Vining shall be his safeguard, unless violated in any of its obligations.
Years of age: 28
Eyes: grey
Hair: brown
Complexion: fair
Height: 5 feet 6 inches
Occupation: merchant
Rank: private
Post Office Address: [illegible]
[On the back of the Oath of Allegiance is written the following]
Amnesty -- Oath of George J. Vining
9 Ark Inf no. 279